Medicare Supplement Plan N Pros and Cons
Medicare Supplement Plan N stands as the second most popular Medigap plan choice. It offers affordable premiums and unrestricted access to healthcare providers (unlike Medicare Advantage plans) and effectively fills most gaps left by Original Medicare.
However, there are a few downsides to consider. Plan N requires copayments for doctor and emergency room visits and does not cover Part B excess charges. While these features do not necessarily make Plan N undesirable, they show why Plan G might be a more advantageous option.
Let’s take a closer look at the details.
Plan N Pros:
1. Lower monthly premiums: One of the most significant advantages of Medicare Supplement Plan N is lower premiums than other Medigap plans.
2. Covers preventative care: Medicare Supplement Plan N covers preventive care, which means you can get regular check-ups and screenings without paying anything out-of-pocket.
3. No provider network: Unlike Medicare Advantage HMOs and PPOs, Medicare Supplement Plan N doesn’t have a physician network. This means you can see any medical provider or doctor who accepts Medicare without a referral.
4. Comprehensive Medicare coverage: Medigap Plan N fills specific gaps left by Original Medicare Part A and Part B, such as Part A and Part B coinsurance, doctor visits, hospital stays, Part A deductible, skilled nursing facilities, emergency care, outpatient testing and surgery, and limited coverage for foreign travel medical emergencies.
5. Lower rate increases: While Medicare Supplement Plan N premiums can increase annually, rate increases tend to be lower than those with Plan F and Plan G.
Plan N Cons:
1. Copays and deductibles: Medicare Supplement Plan N requires you to pay a copay for certain services, such as emergency room visits and doctor’s appointments. You’ll also have to pay the annual Medicare Part B deductible of $240 for 2024.
2. Does not cover Part B excess charges: Unlike Medicare Supplement Plan G, Medicare Plan N does not cover any Medicare Part B excess charges, which may lead to higher out-of-pocket expenses.
3. No prescription drug coverage: As with all Medicare Supplement plans, Plan N does not cover prescription medications. Medicare beneficiaries must purchase a separate Medicare Part D drug plan for prescription coverage.
What Alternatives Do I Have?
If you are looking for a plan with rich coverage, consider Medicare Supplement Plan G. This Medicare Supplement insurance policy covers the Part B excess charges and does not have copays for ER and doctor visits. In the long run, the extra benefits of Medigap Plan G can result in lower out-of-pocket expenses for healthcare services.
Bottom Line
Medicare Supplement Plan N is a comprehensive plan that provides excellent coverage for Medicare beneficiaries who need medical care. Although it has higher out-of-pocket costs than other Medicare Supplement plans, its comprehensive coverage and lack of network restrictions make it an attractive option.
However, weighing the pros and cons of various plans before choosing an option that suits your needs and budget is essential. We hope this guide has helped you better understand the benefits and limitations of Medicare Plan N.
Sources: What Does Plan N Cover? – Plan N vs. Plan G – Compare Medigap Plan Benefits