Does Medicare Cover A Nutritionist?

Yes, Medicare coverage does extend to nutritionist services in certain circumstances. You may be eligible for coverage if you have a chronic medical condition that can be managed through diet and nutrition, such as diabetes or heart disease. The scope of nutrition services also includes dietary counseling to help manage health conditions related to your weight, such as obesity or high cholesterol. 

Who Is Eligible For Coverage?

In general, for Original Medicare to cover the cost of a nutritionist, you must meet one of the following requirements:

  • You have diabetes or renal disease
  • You recently had a kidney transplant
  • You’re currently receiving dialysis

If you meet any of these criteria, then Medicare Part B will cover the cost of medical nutrition therapy, which includes the services of a registered dietitian or nutrition professional.

It’s also helpful to know that while Medicare covers the cost of medical nutrition therapy, it only applies if provided by a registered dietitian or nutrition professional. Furthermore, the specific number of appointments can vary depending on your needs. It’s always a good idea to speak with your healthcare provider to determine what health insurance coverage you can expect for nutrition services.

How Much Does A Nutritionist Cost?

Medical nutrition therapy costs vary widely based on the provider, services, and location. Generally, a nutritionist or dietitian’s fees range from $65 to $120 per hour. Medicare Part B typically covers 80% of these costs after you’ve met your deductible. However, it’s important to note that some providers may not accept Medicare or may charge more than the Medicare-approved amount.

In addition to the cost of the service, there may also be additional fees for lab tests, supplies, and any other related services you may need during your appointment. Be sure to ask about any further fees when speaking with a nutritionist so that you can budget accordingly.

What Does Medicare Not Cover?

Medicare does not cover routine nutritional counseling or services related to weight loss unless it is medically necessary. Additionally, if you need nutrition supplies such as meal replacement shakes and bars, Medicare typically does not cover those costs.

How Do I Find A Nutritionist?

Contact your healthcare provider for referrals if you would like a nutritionist who accepts Medicare. You can also search online using Medicare’s provider lookup tool and in your local area for registered nutritionists with Medicare. Not all providers accept Medicare, so ask about coverage before scheduling an appointment.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, if you’re a Medicare beneficiary with specific health concerns such as diabetes or renal disease, you may be eligible for medical nutrition therapy services. However, it’s essential to understand that the particular level of coverage can vary based on your case, and you may still be responsible for part of the costs.

If you’re interested in exploring nutrition services and support, speaking with your healthcare provider and reviewing your coverage options through Medicare or other health plans can be helpful. 



  • Does Medicare cover nutritionists for weight gain?

    Medicare does not provide coverage for Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) specifically for obesity. However, if you have diabetes or kidney disease and obesity, you may be eligible for nutrition counseling related to those conditions. 

Mark Prip

Since 2003, Mark Prip has been leading  Policy Guide, Inc., providing knowledgeable information about Medicare, life insurance, and dental coverage to clients in over forty states. With his unparalleled hands-on experience aiding countless Medicare beneficiaries in selecting an appropriate health plan, he is a prime example amongst other competitors for expertise and assistance. Mark has held his Florida Health & Life Insurance License (E051889) since 2003. View his license profile on the Florida Department of Insurance website.